Installing Barcode Bakery


Barcode Bakery for NodeJS depends on Node v14+ and on only one library Canvas in order to draw the graphics.
Depending on your operating system, the installation process is different. Follow the Canvas Wiki to install it properly:


Install the module directly with NPM or download the library to do a manual installation.

npm install @barcode-bakery/barcode-1d @barcode-bakery/barcode-common

Install from GitHub Package Registry

If you purchase our package, you will obtain access to our private package registry in order to install the packages in your projects. Similarly to, GitHub Package Registry holds the packages but can be kept private since you have purchased it. You will need a GitHub account.

To get started, you can follow the GitHub Docs if you want to get set up. Otherwise, you can follow along here.

Obtain a personal access token

In order for your project to access GitHub, you must first be authenticated. To do so, you need to create a personal access token. Follow these steps.

In GitHub, click on your avatar then on "Settings".

On the settings page, click on "Developer settings".

In the Developer settings page, click on "Personal access token", then "Generate new token".

Create a token, give it a name (BarcodeBakery), and select at least the "read:packages" permission.

Once your token is created, copy it for your next step.

Install from GitHub with a .npmrc file

After you obtained a personal token from the previous step, at the root of your project, create a file called .npmrc and include the following text:


Replace your token in the file appropriately.

You can include the library in your project by typing the following:

npm install @barcode-bakery/barcode-qrcode @barcode-bakery/barcode-common

Install from local sources

Inside your package.json file, you can point to a folder where the library is installed.

"dependencies": {
    "@barcode-bakery/barcode-common": "../path/to/barcode-bakery-common",
    "@barcode-bakery/barcode-qrcode": "../path/to/barcode-bakery-qrcode"


You can find our software in our Download section. If you wish to download 2D barcodes or use our software for a commercial purposes, you must purchase a license.